What’s behind more Amber Alerts, Tips for dementia patient caretakers

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time
Alzheimer's, Christmas, holidays, dementia
Charles Dharapak/AP Photo

We talk with a crime reporter about the rising number of Amber Alerts, and the significance of domestic violence as a related factor. Then we hear from a leader in a domestic violence awareness organization about what more can be done in terms of prevention. And a physician and expert in memory loss during aging offers suggestions for helping care for loved ones experiencing dementia.

Featured in this Show

  • The connection between Amber Alerts and domestic violence

    Amber Alerts are increasing in certain areas of the country, including Wisconsin. Here, state officials say many of those alerts stem from domestic violence. We look at the link between Amber Alerts and domestic abuse. We also discuss warning signs of abusive behavior and where to turn for help.

  • Help for those caring for dementia patients

    Being a caregiver of a loved one with dementia is a difficult job. We talk about different techniques for family members to cope with the cognitive, behavioral and psychological challenges of caring for a dementia patient.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Sarah Hopefl Technical Director
  • Bill Martens Producer
  • Ashley Luthern Guest
  • Tracy Plamann Guest
  • Dr. Andrew Budson Guest