This Week In Washington, Solving State Transportation Funding

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time

Transportation funding continues to be a sticking point in the state budget for Republicans. We talk with a guest who has some suggestions for how road funds should be handled. We also check in on the top political news from the national level with a Washington political corespondent.

Featured in this Show

  • Guest Says Wisconsin's Transportation Funding Shouldn't Rely On More Borrowing

    On Tuesday State Senate Republicans released a budget proposal aimed at solving Wisconsin’s budget stalemate. One of the biggest sticking points in current budget negotiations is transportation funding. Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald and Governor Scott Walker both support more borrowing to cover road costs. But Assembly Leader Robin Vos wants more revenue streams and won’t support borrowing. Our guest says the Assembly should stick to its guns. He makes the case for more revenue streams for Wisconsin’s transportation funding.

Episode Credits

  • Kate Archer Kent Host
  • Veronica Rueckert Host
  • Amanda Magnus Producer
  • Ernst-Ulrich Franzen Guest