Ukraine Protests, Skills Gap, Racial Disparities, Mariachi Strings

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time

Hundreds of Madisonians gathered on Saturday to discuss the city’s growing racial disparities. Veronica Rueckert and Judith Siers-Poisson speak to the pastor who called the meeting to ask about the next steps. They’ll also discuss the protests in Ukraine, and learn about the skills gap myth. And in our Wisconsin Life series, mariachi strings.

Featured in this Show

  • What's Behind The Violence In Ukraine?

    Violence has erupted in Ukraine in previous days after months of protests. An expert on the region explains what’s behind the protests, and what’s next for a country in turmoil.

  • How To Address Racial Disparities In Madison And Wisconsin

    This weekend hundreds of people in Madison attended a town hall meeting on how to best address the racial disparities in Madison. The leader of that town hall explains what he hopes to change in Madison and how he wants to address issues in education, incarceration, and employment.

  • Wisconsin Life: Mariachi Strings

    In Wisconsin Life we learn about the Latino Arts Strings Program in Milwaukee and talk with a former student about how he benefitted from the program.

Episode Credits

  • Veronica Rueckert Host
  • Judith Siers-Poisson Host
  • Chris Malina Producer
  • Amanda Magnus Producer
  • Lucan Way Guest
  • Alex Gee Guest
  • Eddy Cevilla Guest

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