The economics of dogs, Over-the-counter birth control availability, Political age and gender gaps

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time
two dogs at a dog park
We explore a new book that studies human-canine relationships through an economic lens.

We discuss how relationships with ‘man’s best friend’ influence our economy. Then a reproductive health researcher talks about the first over-the-counter birth control pill coming out. And a political scientist shares what age and gender can tell us about political beliefs.

Featured in this Episode

  • Dogonomics

    The connection between humans and dogs has long been studied by researchers in fields like anthropology and psychology—but not by many economists. We talk to the author of a new book that studies human-canine relationships through an economic lens.

  • First over-the-counter birth control available soon

    A new contraceptive pill that doesn’t require a prescription is hitting store shelves later this month. We talk with a policy researcher about what this means for reproductive health access. 

  • How gender and age influence our political beliefs

    Recent polling shows the percentage of women identifying as liberal is increasing as compared to men, and millennials are not becoming as conservative as previous generations have as they age. We’ll explore the ways age and gender shape our politics.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • David Weimer Guest
  • Megan Kavanaugh Guest
  • Kathleen Dolan Guest
  • Dean Knetter Executive Producer
  • Beatrice Lawrence Producer
  • Richelle Wilson Producer
  • Lorin Cox Producer

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