Task Force Proposals Hope To Save Dairy Industry, Many Americans Confused About How State Government Works, Week In Washington

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time
Morry Gash/AP Photo

A dairy task force group formed by Gov. Walker earlier this year has put forward two proposals they hope will boost Wisconsin’s struggling dairy industry. We look at the details. We also hear from a researcher who says many Americans don’t know as much about how state government works as they should, and we take a look at this week’s top national stories on Week in Washington.

Featured in this Show

  • Dairy Task Force Proposing Changes To Loans, Education In Dairy Industry

    Wisconsin’s Dairy Task Force recently passed two proposals aimed at shoring up the state’s dairy industry, which is losing hundreds of farms each year. We talk to the director of the task force about why loans to farmers and more funding for education and research are considered so important.

  • Americans Don't Know Much About How State Government Works

    A new survey by Johns Hopkins University shows that Americans lack an understanding of how their state government is structured and how it works. We talk with a proponent of civics education about how to remedy the situation.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Derrell Connor Host
  • Dean Knetter Producer
  • Chris Malina Producer
  • Mark Stephenson Guest
  • Eric Giordano Guest