State GOP-proposed tax cuts, What patriotism means today

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Heard On Central Time
People watch as fireworks explode over New York Harbor as New York and other cities around New York state recognize a rate of 70% for single dose vaccinations against the COVID-19 virus, Tuesday, June 15, 2021 in New York. Celebration of the milestone was announced by Gov. Andrew Cuomo earlier in the day. Craig Ruttle/AP Photo

We discuss the latest plan from Wisconsin Republicans to lower taxes by $3.5 billion with an economics expert. Then a Wisconsin ethics expert says Americans can find common patriotic ground amid divisions–by finding shared values, and embracing the process that resolves disputes, even if the outcomes aren’t always what we want.

Featured in this Show

  • Legislative Republicans propose $3.5 billion tax cut

    Last week, the state Legislature’s Republican-controlled finance committee passed a budget proposal that would cut taxes across the board by $3.5 billion. Democratic Governor Tony Evers says the tax breaks would disproportionately benefit the wealthiest of state residents. A UW-River Falls economics professor discusses the tax plan and how it could affect state finances.

  • Is patriotism possible in divided times?

    As Independence Day approaches, it can be easy to focus more on the divisions in American politics than the points of agreement. A Wisconsin ethics expert says there’s still an opportunity for a shared vision of patriotism that embraces our political differences.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Tyler Ditter Technical Director
  • Royce Podeszwa Producer
  • Rob Ferrett Producer
  • Logan Kelly Guest
  • Rick Kyte Guest

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