Spring Birding In Wisconsin, Biden And Sexual Assault Allegations

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time
migrating birds in a rosy sky
Image by Gerard Mak from Pixabay

We talk with a DNR bird expert about how to attract and spot some colorful springtime winged visitors. And a reporter joins us to discuss the history and current narrative playing out related to former Vice President Joe Biden and allegations of decades-old sexual assault against him.

Featured in this Show

  • Late Spring Birding In Wisconsin

    Many people are home more than they normally would be at this time of year. We find out what birds might be making an appearance at backyard feeders. And we get advice for what to put out to attract them, and how to keep feeders clean and healthy for our feathered friends.

  • The Latest On The Sexual Assault Allegations Against Joe Biden

    Calls for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden to address the sexual assault allegations against him are growing. We look at what a former aide is accusing him of doing in 1993, the reactions from the Left and Right, and what the story means for the #MeToo movement.

Episode Credits

  • Kealey Bultena Host
  • Judith Siers-Poisson Producer
  • Bill Martens Producer
  • Craig A. Thompson Guest
  • Annie Linskey Guest