Sorting out the debate on ballot curing

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Poll workers sort early and absentee ballots at the Kenosha Municipal building.
Poll workers sort early and absentee ballots at the Kenosha Municipal building on Election Day on Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2020, in Kenosha, Wis. Wong Maye/AP Photo

A state legislative committee voted to suspend guidance allowing clerks to correct mistakes on absentee ballots, but the state elections commission says the rule is still in effect. We get the latest on “ballot curing” and what voters should know.

Featured in this Show

  • What is ballot curing and how does it work in Wisconsin?

    Ballot curing is the process of correcting mistakes on absentee ballots, and it’s become a point of contention in Wisconsin. We talk to an election law expert about how it works, and the fight over letting local election clerks correct certain mistakes.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Tyler Ditter Technical Director
  • Rachael Vasquez Producer
  • Robert Yablon Guest