Solar panel research, Lynda Barry on creativity, Electric vehicle price drops

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Heard On Central Time
Solar panels in field.
Image by Stefan Schweihofer from Pixabay 

New research shows that solar panels could capture sunlight for energy while still allowing it to nourish crops underneath. We find out more about the potential breakthrough. We also talk with cartoonist Lynda Barry about her residency at Beloit College. Plus, an update on price drops for electric vehicles.

Featured in this Show

  • Could farmers harvest both plants and solar energy?

    We talk to a researcher about a new study into whether sunlight could be split — to both generate solar electricity and help grow plants beneath solar panels.

  • Getting creative with Lynda Barry

    Where do inspiration and creativity come from? Cartoonist, painter, writer and teacher Lynda Barry shares what she’s learning from the college students she teaches.

  • Ups & downs in the electric vehicle market

    Fluctuating prices and the extension of tax credits have roiled the electric vehicle market. We find out what this means for consumers and the future of transportation.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Sarah Hopefl Technical Director
  • Tyler Ditter Technical Director
  • Tim Peterson Producer
  • Lee Rayburn Producer
  • Majdi Abou Najm Guest
  • Lynda Barry Guest
  • Jamie Page Deaton Guest

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