Shared public spaces, Writers strike

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Heard On Central Time
A customer opens a book to look at it while surrounded by books on shelves.
Alec Hansen of Madison looks at a book Wednesday, Aug. 10, at Leopold’s Books Bar Caffè in Madison, Wis. Angela Major/WPR

A sociology professor and author of a book about social infrastructure defends public gathering places, especially libraries, which are drawing attacks from conservative groups across the country for sharing certain books. Then we look at both the organized labor and entertainment business sides of the ongoing Hollywood writers strike.

Featured in this Show

  • The case for shared public spaces

    We talk about the value of third spaces — such as libraries and other venues where people can gather — in the health of our social infrastructure.

  • Understanding the Writers Guild of America strike and its impact

    We talk with a UW-Madison labor expert and an entertainment reporter about the latest in the second week of a massive Hollywood writers strike.

Episode Credits

  • Lee Rayburn Host
  • Sarah Hopefl Technical Director
  • Lorin Cox Producer
  • Colleen Leahy Producer
  • Tim Peterson Producer
  • Eric Klinenberg Guest
  • Michael Childers Guest
  • Wendy Lee Guest

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