Senate Debate Recap, The Blacksmith Tradition, The Power Of Shakespeare

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time

All the world’s a stage. We talk to two Shakespeare buffs about their lifelong relationship with his work and their decision to put together a performance piece about his influence on their lives. We get a recap of the Wisconsin Senate Debate between incumbent Republican Senator Ron Johnson and Democratic challenger Russ Feingold. We also learn about the history of blacksmithery in the state.

Featured in this Show

  • A Recap Of The First U.S. Senate Debate In Wisconsin

    Friday was the first U.S. Senate debate between incumbent Republican Senator Ron Johnson and Democratic challenger Russ Feingold. We talk to a political scientist about how the debate went and how it will affect the close Senate race in Wisconsin.

  • Wisconsin Life: Blacksmithery

    On Wisconsin Life we’ll talk to a Wisconsin blacksmith who has been practicing the trade for decades.

  • Celebrating Shakespeare

    As Shakespeare’s first folio of work from the year 1623 comes to Wisconsin, we talk with two celebrated interpreters of his work about what the plays of Shakespeare have meant to them in the course of their lives.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Veronica Rueckert Host
  • Amanda Magnus Producer
  • Karl Christenson Producer
  • Veronica Rueckert Producer
  • Dennis Dresang Guest
  • Dan Nauman Guest
  • Randall Duk Kim Guest
  • Anne Occhiogrosso Guest