Seasonal affective disorder, Biggest midterm election questions

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time
Man covers his face with his hand
Lloyd Morgan (CC BY-SA 2.0)

A psychologist teaches us about seasonal affective disorder and how to work through it. Then, we talk to elections analyst Craig Gilbert about the biggest questions in the Wisconsin midterms.

Featured in this Show

  • What to know about seasonal affective disorder as we head into winter

    Seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, is a form of depression that affects people during season changes, most predominately during fall and winter. A behavioral health provider joins us to talk about what SAD is, common symptoms of the disorder and what you can try doing to mitigate it.

  • Craig Gilbert's final take on Wisconsin's midterm election

    The former Washington bureau chief for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel walks us through what he’s watching at this point in the midterm election cycle.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Sarah Hopefl Technical Director
  • Emilie Burditt Producer
  • Tim Peterson Producer
  • Shilagh A. Mirgain Guest
  • Craig Gilbert Guest

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