Schools and communities relationship, Chronic Wasting Disease

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Heard On Central Time
A fifth grader raises her hand during class.
In this photo taken Thursday, Oct. 2, 2014, a fifth grader raises her hand during class at John Hay Elementary school in Seattle. Elaine Thompson/AP Photo

We talk to the authors of a new book that advocates for a better relationship between schools and the public. Then, a writer and a researcher help us better understand the extent of Chronic Wasting Disease in Wisconsin deer.

Featured in this Show

  • Opening up schools for civic democracy

    Wisconsin and the nation have seen heated confrontations at school board meetings over high-profile issues in recent years. The authors of a new book say there’s a better way for schools and their communities to interact–by bringing the public into the decision-making process more and earlier. They make the case for an “Open System” for schools.

  • Chronic Wasting Disease continues to spread in Wisconsin

    Wisconsin has the highest recorded rate of Chronic Wasting Disease of any region in the world, and it only continues to spread. A journalist and avid outdoorsman joins us to talk about what that means for hunters, and what we can do to contain the disease. Also, a researcher tells us about a new study that suggests ticks could be carriers of CWD.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Sarah Hopefl Technical Director
  • Rob Ferrett Producer
  • Beatrice Lawrence Producer
  • Landon Mascareñaz Guest
  • Doannie Tran Guest
  • Patrick Durkin Guest
  • Stuart Lichtenberg Guest

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