Same-sex wedding industry, Abortions resume in Wisconsin

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time
Cody Houston (pictured left) married Tina Cady (pictured right) at Madison's City-County Building
Cody Houston (pictured left) married Tina Cady (pictured right) at Madison’s City-County Building. | Shawn Johnson/WPR

A Wisconsin marketing professor shares her research into how same-sex couples navigate the wedding industry. Then, we learn more about legal issues involved in Planned Parenthood’s decision to resume abortions in Wisconsin.

Featured in this Show

  • Wisconsin researcher looked at same-sex couples navigating the disrupted wedding industry space

    Our guest shares analysis of a study that looked at how same-sex couples reckon with the long-held binary of ‘bride and groom’ in America’s wedding industry, as they planned their own ceremonies and celebrations.

  • What a Dane County judge's decision means for abortions in Wisconsin

    On Monday, Planned Parenthood resumed providing abortions in Wisconsin after more than a year-long hiatus. It’s a calculated move based on a decision by a Dane County Circuit Court judge that ruled that the 1849 abortion ban does not apply to voluntary medical abortions. We get the rundown from a state politics reporter. Then, we talk to a law and politics expert about the basis of both the decisions by the judge and Planned Parenthood.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Sarah Hopefl Technical Director
  • Tim Peterson Producer
  • Beatrice Lawrence Producer
  • Amber Epp Guest
  • Lisa Mazzie Guest
  • Sarah Lehr Guest