The Retail Landscape After The Coronavirus, COVID-19 Risks For Trash Collectors, Hospitals Resuming Elective Surgeries

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time
garbage, dumpster, recycling, alley, trash
Nicolas Toper (CC-BY)

We look at what the retail sector may look like after the COVID-19 crisis passes. With many unknowns about coronavirus transmission, we learn about precautions for waste collection workers. And we look at why some hospitals are resuming elective procedures.

Featured in this Show

  • How COVID-19 Is Changing Retail As We Know It

    While grocery and liquor stores experienced their best month of growth on record last month, retail stores are taking big hits, with sales down by the largest number on record. We talk with a journalist about the different ways COVID-19 has impacted the retail stores big and small, and what this means for our future of retail.

  • Garbage Workers Face Frontline Challenges And Health Concerns, Too

    In the last 100 years or so since the 1918 pandemic, waste collection has been revolutionized. We have a comfortable waste collection systems in place that we rely on to seamlessly and regularly take our disposed items away from the curb, but what happens to that system when the risk of exposing one’s self to COVID-19 on any given trash pile is unknown? We hear from a local waste industry official as well as a journalist about measures that waste industry companies and employees are taking during this time.

  • Elective Procedures Resume At Some Wisconsin Hospitals

    Since the middle of March, hospitals in Wisconsin have been putting off non-essential medical procedures to make room for a potential surge in COVID-19 cases. Now, some medical centers are resuming elective care. Weā€™ll talk about what that means for patients and hospitals.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Natalie Guyette Producer
  • Bill Martens Producer
  • Derek Thompson Guest
  • Adam Minter Guest
  • Meleesa Johnson Guest
  • Shamane Mills Guest