PTSD Documentary Gets Green Bay Premiere, Young Adults In Wisconsin’s Foster Care System, The Latest On US And Chinese Tariffs

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Heard On Central Time
Man looking stressed
Shaun Murphy (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

We talk with the executive producer of a documentary showcasing the many sides and effects of post-traumatic stress disorder. We also talk to an advocate and a researcher about young adults as they age out of Wisconsin’s foster care system. And we take a look at the latest news about retaliatory tariffs between the United States and China.

Featured in this Show

  • Young Adults In Wisconsin's Foster Care System

    For young adults aging out of the foster care system, entering adult life can be a little daunting. We’ll talk to an advocate in Eau Claire who recently established a new house to serve as a resource for these kids. And, we’ll talk to a researcher about how the foster care system serves teenagers.

  • Documentary Showcases Life After Trauma

    We talk to the Wisconsin-native executive producer of a documentary about people impacted by post-traumatic stress that premiered in Green Bay Nov. 6.

  • The Latest On US And Chinese Tariffs

    New figures from September showed a record $7 billion in tariff costs. We’ll learn more about what’s happening between the ongoing trade fight between the United States and China.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • J. Carlisle Larsen Producer
  • Tim Peterson Producer
  • Joe Luginbill Guest
  • Ellen Smith Guest
  • Kimberly Resch Guest
  • Megan Cassella Guest