Pressure on students, Ranked choice voting bill

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Voting signs are seen outside the polling place at the Catholic Multicultural Center in Madison
Voting signs are seen outside the polling place at the Catholic Multicultural Center in Madison, Wis., on Nov. 3, 2020. Conservative activists say holes in the state’s voter database have allowed some ineligible voters to cast a ballot. But their efforts also have conflated ineligible and eligible voters and spread misleading information, Wisconsin Watch found. Coburn Dukehart/Wisconsin Watch

A bipartisan group of Wisconsin lawmakers is backing a bill to use ranked choice voting in some statewide elections. Two of the sponsors join us to talk about the idea. We also discuss the pressure students are under to achieve in academics and extracurricular activities.

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  • Could ranked-choice voting be coming to Wisconsin?

    Last week, a bipartisan group of Wisconsin lawmakers proposed to bring nonpartisan blanket primaries and ranked-choice voting to the state. We talk to two of the bill’s authors about what these changes could mean for elections in Wisconsin.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Tyler Ditter Technical Director
  • Beatrice Lawrence Producer
  • Richelle Wilson Producer
  • Jennifer Breheny Wallace Guest
  • Sen. Jeff Smith Guest
  • Rep. Ron Tusler Guest