News From The Legislature’s Budget Committee, Mineral Point Named A Top Town To Visit, Record Number Of Life Sentences

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time

The number of inmates in U.S. prisons has reached an all-time high. We hear what’s behind the rise in harsh sentencing and how prisons are handling their aging populations. Mineral Point was recently named one of the best small towns in the country to visit. A resident shares what makes it so special and what we should see if we make the trip. Plus, we talk to WPR’s capitol bureau chief about the latest news from the legislature’s budget committee.

Featured in this Show

  • Budget Committee Delays Decision On Walker's UW System Tuition Cut

    The Wisconsin state legislature’s budget committee met Tuesday and delayed their vote on Governor Walker’s proposal to cut tuition for in-state students at UW System campuses across the state. We talk to WPR’s capitol bureau chief about this and other news out of the budget committee.

  • Mineral Point Named One Of Best Small Towns To Visit In 2017 By Smithsonian Magazine

    Smithsonian Magazine recently named Mineral Point as one of the best small towns to visit in 2017, praising the town for its natural beauty, historical architecture, art scene, and eclectic locally owned businesses. The executive director of the Mineral Point Chamber of Commerce joins us to talk about the honor, and the things to see and down in the town.

  • The Sentencing Project Cites Record Number Of U.S. Inmates Serving Life Sentences

    The number of inmates serving out life sentences in the U.S. has reached an all-time high. The Sentencing Project, a nonprofit advocacy center, provides new reporting on the number of prison inmates serving life sentences and what states are doing with their elderly populations.

Episode Credits

  • Kate Archer Kent Host
  • Veronica Rueckert Host
  • Judith Siers-Poisson Host
  • Amanda Magnus Producer
  • Chris Malina Producer
  • Haleema Shah Producer
  • Kate Archer Kent Producer
  • Shawn Johnson Guest
  • Joy Gieseke Guest
  • Nazgol Ghandnoosh Guest