Music streaming, Money in college football

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time
The Spotify logo on a mobile phone
Sara Kurfeß/ Unsplash

A media studies professor takes us through the downsides of the music streaming industry. Then, a columnist explains the rise of money in college football, headlined by major buyouts for coaches.

Featured in this Show

  • Spotify Wrapped — gift or grift?

    Every December, the streaming app Spotify releases Spotify Wrapped, a custom compilation of each user’s stats for the year, including top artists and total listening minutes. This year, the promotion came under public scrutiny, with many artists and fans openly criticizing the company over musician royalties and a new round of layoffs. An expert in digital media and streaming unpacks the debate.

  • Salaries, buyouts, bonuses… The ballooning costs of college football coaches

    After some notable and lucrative buyouts for dismissed head coaches from Indiana and Texas A&M universities, we talk with a Wisconsin sports reporter about the upward trend of coaches’ salaries and buyouts, how colleges afford them, and whether the trend could continue.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Sarah Hopefl Technical Director
  • Richelle Wilson Producer
  • Tim Peterson Producer
  • Jeremy Morris Guest
  • Jim Polzin Guest

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