More Unfolds In Allegations Against Kavanaugh, A Deeper Look Into Direct Primary Care

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Kiichiro Sato/AP Photo

In August we learned a little bit about the direct primary care model of healthcare which allows patients to visit their primary care doctors based on monthly fees rather than fees per visit. We talk to a WisContext editor about the model’s growing popularity in Wisconsin and other states. We also discuss the latest details in the sexual assault allegations made against Brett Kavanaugh and more national news on Week In Washington News.

Featured in this Show

  • A Deeper Dive Into Direct Primary Care

    Direct primary care is a model of healthcare that advocates say cuts out the “middleman” by replacing health insurance for primary care doctors visits with a monthly fee that goes directly to your doctor. With the setup growing in popularity in Wisconsin and around the country, we talk to the associate editor of WisContext about how different states are going about regulating the new industry, and some of its drawbacks.

  • This Week In Washington – September 26, 2018

    Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and California college professor Christine Blasey Ford are scheduled to testify Thursday hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee about sexual assault allegations, but negotiations continue between Ford’s attorneys and the panel over conditions. We get the latest on these developments from a Wall Street Journal reporter, plus look at other top headlines.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Rachael Vasquez Producer
  • Dean Knetter Producer
  • Scott Gordon Guest
  • Astead Herndon Guest