Midwest’s pro basketball history, Researching 1,200-year-old canoe, Milwaukee reading program

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time
A recovery team lifting the 1,200-year-old canoe from Lake Mendota. 
A recovery team lifting the 1,200-year-old canoe from Lake Mendota. Photo courtesy of the Wisconsin Historical Society

A dugout canoe discovered last year in Lake Mendota was recently scanned by 3D technology. We find out how the digital scan will help researchers investigate its history. We also learn about the origins of professional basketball in the Midwest. Plus, we visit with the host of a Milwaukee reading program for kids.

Featured in this Show

  • Uncovering the Midwest's pro basketball history

    The first professional basketball teams in the United States began in the Midwest and were backed by companies like General Electric and Firestone. Together, they founded the National Basketball League in 1937 and teams from Oshkosh and Sheboygan were included. We hear the story of basketball in the Midwest from a historian.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Tyler Ditter Technical Director
  • Sarah Hopefl Technical Director
  • Clara Neupert Producer
  • Curtis Harris Guest

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