Men serving as caregivers, Harnessing our regrets

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time
father, daughters, school
Brad Tollefson/AP Photo

We’ll talk about a growing trend of men staying home from work to serve as caregivers. Then, an author joins us to share his book about how we can use our regrets to our advantage.

Featured in this Show

  • Why more men are leaving the workforce to care for children and families

    The percentage of men in the workforce has been decreasing while a higher percentage of men are becoming stay-at-home dads to care for their children and family. We talk to a sociologist who has researched these trends and the impact they have on households.

  • How understanding our regrets can be beneficial

    Regrets: we all have them. But do they help us, or hold us back? We talk to the author of a new book who says understanding our regrets, and what they have in common with others, can help us lead happier lives.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Tyler Ditter Technical Director
  • Lorin Cox Producer
  • Rachael Vasquez Producer
  • Noelle Chesley Guest
  • Daniel Pink Guest

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