Making State Politics Work For Young People, Investigation Into Wisconsin’s Assisted Living Facilities

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time

The assisted living industry is booming in Wisconsin, and around the nation, but recent investigations into injuries and deaths at these facilities are raising questions. A reporter talks about the state of assisted living in Wisconsin, and the potential pitfalls on the horizon. We also hear from the state’s incoming Assistant Minority Leader, who wants to make the state legislature work for young people.

Featured in this Show

  • A Conversation With Rep. Katrina Shankland

    Until January, Representative Katrina Shankland stands as the youngest person serving in the state legislature. And when the next legislative session begins, she’ll assume the role of Assistant Minority Leader. We’ll talk with Rep. Shankland about her priorities in her new leadership role, and how she aims to make the state legislature an institution that works for young people.

  • An Investigation Into Deaths And Injuries At Wisconsin's Assisted Living Facilities

    A new investigative report finds that there have been 24 assisted living deaths in the state’s 15 largest counties following mistakes or mistreatment by caregivers in 2012 and 2013. The reporter behind the investigation talks about what’s behind the injuries and deaths, the rise of Wisconsin’s assisted living industry, and the call for stricter standards and more regulation of these facilities.

Episode Credits

  • Veronica Rueckert Host
  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Cynthia Schuster Producer
  • Chris Malina Producer
  • Katrina Shankland Guest
  • Adam Rodewald Guest

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