Legislation in Congress, Tiny homes, Voters with disabilities

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi speaking
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., accompanied by House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer D-Md., left, and House Majority Whip James Clyburn, D-S.C., speaks to reporters at the Capitol in Washington, Friday, Nov. 5, 2021. Jose Luis Magana/AP Photo

We learn more about a variety of bills working their way though Congress ahead of the midterm elections. Then, a nonprofit director shares a new tiny home village project in Oshkosh. Later, we’re joined by a disability rights advocate about what disabled voters need to know for next week’s primary election.

Featured in this Show

  • Congress working through bills on climate change, veterans' health, computer chips and more

    Congress is working to pass a number of bills ahead of the November midterm elections. We check in the different pieces of legislation and their chances of passing.

  • Oshkosh's tiny house village for affordable housing

    We learn about a new project in Oshkosh to provide struggling residents short-term affordable housing, as well as skills for managing finances and home management.

  • A disability advocate on what voters with disabilities need to know ahead of the 2022 elections

    A disability rights advocate joins the show to talk about what disabled voters need to know ahead of the 2022 elections in Wisconsin, and to talk about issues of access amid a lack of clarity about who can place absentee ballots in the mail following a recent state Supreme Court ruling.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Sarah Hopefl Technical Director
  • Lorin Cox Producer
  • Tim Peterson Producer
  • Rachael Vasquez Producer
  • Alayna Treene Guest
  • Julie Dumke Guest
  • Barbara Beckert Guest

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