Language and the brain, Federal debt limit

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time
An illustrated image shows outline of female profile in black against green background.
Image by chenspec from Pixabay 

An author shares her new book looking how the different forms of languages we understand affect our brains. Then, we talk to a political scientist about the partisan battle over the federal debt ceiling.

Featured in this Show

  • How languages of all sorts unlock our brain's potential

    Even if you haven’t learned a second traditional language, you are probably still fluent in more than one type of communication. We talk with a language expert about how math, poetry, and other ways of thinking unleash the brain in the same way as learning a language in school.

  • The encroaching threat of defaulting on the federal debt

    House Speaker Kevin McCarthy told the New York Stock Exchange on Monday that Republicans would not allow the government to default on its debts, but would demand spending cuts in exchange for raising the federal debt limit. A political scientist sizes up the partisan standoff and potential economic consequences.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Sarah Hopefl Technical Director
  • Viorica Marian Guest
  • Jasmine Farrier Guest
  • Lee Rayburn Producer

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