How memory works, Scandinavian cooking, Algorithms and culture

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time
A photo of a phone screen showing the app icons for Facebook and Instagram
Mobile phone application logos for Facebook and Instagram in 2021. A team of some of the world’s leading social media researchers has published four studies looking at the relationship between the algorithms used by Facebook and Instagram and America’s widening political divide. Richard Drew/AP Photo

A memory researcher joins us to talk about how remembering helps our lives in unexpected ways. On Food Friday, we learn about Scandinavian cooking and baking. Plus, a writer shares why he thinks algorithms are making our culture more boring.

Featured in this Episode

  • Getting more out of our memories

    Memory plays an integral role in every aspect of our lives, from simply remembering names to healing from trauma. How can we better harness our power of recall to improve our lives? A memory researcher joins us to talk about his new book, Why We Remember: Unlocking Memory’s Power to Hold on to What Matters.

  • Food Friday: Scandinavian bakes

    The chef and owner of a Scandinavian restaurant in San Francisco shares recipes from her new cookbook, Scandinavian From Scratch, which she calls a “love letter” to the baking of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden.

    Recipe for Coconut Dream Cake (Drømmekage)

    Recipe for Russian Herring Salad Smørrebrød

  • How algorithms shape our lives

    If you’re online or using an app, chances are there is an algorithm at play recommending what to read, watch, or listen to next. But are these algorithms giving us what we really want? The author of a new book talks about the limits of what he calls the “filter world.”

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Kyle Chayka Guest
  • Nichole Accettola Guest
  • Charan Ranganath Guest