Hobbies And Happiness, The Family Road Trip

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time
quilt, knitting iris (BY-NC-ND)
knitting iris (BY-NC-ND)

We discuss how we can improve our lives and outlook if we focus more attention on hobbies that bring us joy. Then we talk about the history of road trips in the United States.

Featured in this Show

  • The Link Between Hobbies and Happiness

    As Americans, our identities are often defined by our careers. But as Susie Neilson writes for The Cut, shifting our identity to our hobbies can actually make us happier. She joins us to share why.

  • Are We There Yet? A Look At The Family Road Trip

    Whether it was riding in the station wagon backseat with an obnoxious older brother or checking out quirky roadside attractions, the “Great American Road Trip” was a pop culture icon of the 1950s, ’60s and ’70s. We examine the history of the family road trip and share stories about life on the road.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Natalie Guyette Producer
  • Gretchen Brown Producer
  • Bill Martens Producer
  • Susie Neilson Guest
  • Richard Ratay Guest