Hip-Hop And Politics, Milwaukee’s Beer-Making History, State Of The Union Preview

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time

President Obama is set to deliver his final State of the Union address, which could cover everything from gun control to education reform. Our guest lays out the topics she expects to hear from the President. We also look back on Milwaukee’s storied brewing history, and look at the relationship between hip-hop and politics.

Featured in this Show

  • Hip-Hop And Politics In The Obama Era

    The relationship between hip-hop and politics changed forever in the lead-up to the 2008 presidential election when Barack Obama became the first candidate to openly embrace the genre and make it a focal point of his campaign. But once he entered the White House, his support for hip-hop seemingly disappeared. An author talks about the complex relationship between hip-hop and politics, and how it changed during the Obama years.

  • New Exhibit Explores Milwaukee's Beer-Making History

    We find out about a new exhibit at the Milwaukee County Historical Society that takes a comprehensive look at Milwaukee’s beer-making history.

  • What To Expect From President Obama's Last State Of The Union Speech

    President Barack Obama delivers his final State of the Union Address tonight. A political scientist discusses the issues he’s expected to bring up, and what we could see the President take action on in the final year of his term.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Veronica Rueckert Host
  • Chris Malina Producer
  • Veronica Rueckert Producer
  • Travis Lars Gosa Guest
  • Ben Barbera Guest
  • Susan Johnson Guest