Healthcare Sign-Up, Badgers In The Final Four, Wisconsin Monsters

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time

The deadline to enroll for coverage through the Affordable Care Act is Monday, March 31. Veronica Rueckert and Gene Purcell check in on the political success of the new health care law so far. Then, they talk to a Badgers fan about how Wisconsin became part of the Final Four in the NCAA basketball championships. In Wisconsin Life, we take a look at tales of monsters in Wisconsin

Featured in this Show

  • The Political Success (Or Not) Of The Affordable Care Act

    Today is the last day to officially enroll in health insurance on A political science discusses the poltical success of the Affordable Care Act so far.

  • Wisconsin Monsters

    From the pancake wielding aliens of Eagle River to the vampire of Mineral Point, Wisconsin is full of tales of monstrous creatures.

Episode Credits

  • Veronica Rueckert Host
  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Amanda Magnus Producer
  • Galen Druke Producer
  • Tim Dale Guest
  • Chad Lewis Guest