Gun Violence Research, First Wisconsinites: Art

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time

Today on “First Wisconsinites,” we learn about the arts in Native American communities. We talk to an author writing books with Native American protagonists and an award-winning musician that heads the Indigenous Girls’ Rock Camp. We also discuss the gun lobby’s resistance to allowing the CDC to research gun violence in America.

Featured in this Show

  • Restrictions On Gun Violence Research

    In the reaction to Sunday night’s mass shooting in Las Vegas, researchers are pointing out that there are restrictions on federal funding of gun control and gun violence prevention research. Groups that represent these social science researchers say they want those restrictions lifted. We talk to an editor from Inside Higher Ed about the research ban.

  • Writing Books With Native American Protagonists [Audio Only]

    As part of our series, “First Wisconsinites: Dispatches From Native American Life In Wisconsin Today,” we talk to Native American author Jazmyn Espinoza-Church. We learn why she became a writer and discuss some of her work.

  • The Power Of Music [Audio Only]

    We talk to a Native American singer and songwriter about how she’s used storytelling and history from her culture in her music, as part of our series, “First Wisconsinites: Dispatches From Native American Life In Wisconsin Today.” We also learn about how she’s using music to help empower young Native women with the Indigenous Girls Rock Camp.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Veronica Rueckert Host
  • Amanda Magnus Producer
  • Scott Jaschik Guest
  • Jazmyn Espinoza-Church Guest
  • Kelly Jackson Guest