Governor Walker’s Support Slips In Iowa, State Alzheimer’s And Dementia Task Force, Closing Wisconsin’s Achievement Gap

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time

Summer vacation is over and kids all over the state are headed back to school for another year. An education expert joins us to propose strategies for students, teachers and lawmakers to help close Wisconsin’s achievement gap. We also get the scoop on a new government task force taking on Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia, and we talk to a reporter about the latest news on Governor Walker’s presidential campaign, including two new polls that show his support is waning in Iowa.

Featured in this Show

  • Governor Scott Walker's Support Is Slipping In Iowa

    Governor Walker’s campaign has taken a couple of blows over the last couple days. Two new polls show a big dip in support for Governor Walker in Iowa. The Des Moines Register-Bloomberg Politics Iowa poll released Saturday shows Governor Walker in third place in Iowa, and the Monmouth University poll out Monday shows Walker in fifth place–he was in first place in this poll in July. A reporter covering Governor Walker’s presidential campaign discusses these polls and other news related to Governor Walker’s campaign, like his stance on building a wall between the United States and Canada.

  • Chair Of New Task Force Hopes To Tackle Alzheimer's And Dementia In Wisconsin

    Wisconsin State Assembly Speaker Robin Vos created three new bipartisan task forces to address issues important to the state of Wisconsin. The newly-appointed chair of the Speaker’s Taskforce on Alzheimer’s and Dementia discusses his goals and hopes for this group.

  • Closing the Achievement Gap In Milwaukee Public Schools

    As schools kick into gear for the fall, our guest education expert shares strategies and approaches that could help close the achievement gap in Milwaukee Public Schools.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Veronica Rueckert Host
  • Amanda Magnus Producer
  • Veronica Rueckert Producer
  • Matthew DeFour Guest
  • Mike Rohrkaste Guest
  • Decoteau Irby Guest

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