Governor Walker Visits Iowa, US Embassy In Cuba, Teaching Chess To Inner-City Kids

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time

A Wisconsin organization is one of many groups cheering the opening of a U.S. embassy in Cuba. Our guest explains his desire to create more travel opportunities, and the importance of good relations between the two countries. We also hear from a man who teaches chess to inner-city kids to help with decision-making skills, and we talk to WPR’s state government reporter, who was with Governor Scott Walker on his three-day tour of Iowa this weekend.

Featured in this Show

  • Walker Spends The Weekend In Iowa

    Governor Scott Walker wrapped up his first week as an official presidential candidate with a three-day trip around Iowa, the first primary state. WPR’s state government reporter discusses how the trip went and what Walker is like on the road.

  • Wisconsin Advocate Cheers Re-Opening Of Cuban Embassy

    The United States and Cuba are slated to re-establish diplomatic ties and re-open their embassies on July 20th. We speak to the founder of the Madison-Camaguey, Cuba Sister City program about the move.

  • Life Lessons Found In A Game Of Chess

    Eugene Brown uses chess to teach inner-city kids to make deliberate and well-thought-out decisions. He began playing chess while in federal prison following a botched bank robbery. Brown is visiting Wausau, Wisconsin on July 20th and 21st.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Veronica Rueckert Host
  • Amanda Magnus Producer
  • Galen Druke Producer
  • Shawn Johnson Guest
  • Ricardo Gonzalez Guest
  • Eugene Brown Guest