Gas prices, Free school lunch program

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time
gas prices
Gas prices are displayed at a filling station in Philadelphia, Thursday, March 10, 2022. Matt Rourke/AP Photo

Gas prices are rising and adding to concerns about inflation. We’ll talk to an expert on oil markets about why, and what the next few months of gas prices could look like. Then, we’ll talk about the free school lunch program after Congress missed a deadline to extend reimbursement for free year-round school lunches for all children, regardless of their financial situation.

Featured in this Show

  • Energy researcher on gas price trajectory after another record high in Wisconsin

    The cost of regular gasoline hit a record $4.81 a gallon Monday in Wisconsin, according to American Automobile Association’s survey. An energy market researcher gives us his insight as staggering gas prices affect our summer travel, work commutes and other aspects of daily life.

  • The future of free school lunch programs

    Federal waivers expanded free school lunches to all American children throughout the last two years, but those waivers are expected to end as Congress has not shown it will extend the waivers after a June 30th deadline. A Civil Society and Community Studies expert joins us to discuss the future of free school lunch programs and what those possibilities could mean for students.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Lee Rayburn Technical Director
  • Clara Neupert Producer
  • Emilie Burditt Producer
  • Abhi Rajendran Guest
  • Jennifer Gaddis Guest

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