Fixing what’s broken about social media, Overcoming challenges to dental care access

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Heard On Central Time
A colorful illustration depicts people connecting over social media, phones and internet.
Image by Joseph Mucira from Pixabay 

A video game designer and professor explains some of the problems he sees with how social media as we know it operates, and walks us through some of his ideas about how to improve things. Then we talk about some of the challenges that low-income Wisconsinites have accessing dental care with the leader of nonprofit healthcare clinic — and what’s being done to help them.

Featured in this Show

  • Talk less, to fewer people, and have a better social media experience

    Our guest says humans simply aren’t wired to be socializing at a global scale, the way we’re able to with current social media apps. He proposes a couple of fixes to improve everyone’s experience.

  • Access to dental care remains a challenge for low-income patients

    Dental care can be hard to find for low-income patients. We explore what barriers exist and what is being done to overcome them.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Sarah Hopefl Technical Director
  • Tim Peterson Producer
  • Lorin Cox Producer
  • Ian Bogost Guest
  • Ian Hedges Guest