Fewer Minority Teachers In Urban Areas, UW Nonresident Enrollment Cap

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time

A recent survey shows the number of minority teachers in urban communities has fallen over the last 10 years. Our guest explains why teachers of color are important in any community, and offers some ideas to turn the trend around. Then we’ll look at why the University of Wisconsin is looking to lift its cap on nonresident students.

Featured in this Show

  • Minority Teachers In Minority Communities On The Decline

    The number of minority teachers has been declining in minority urban communities, according to a national report. A guest makes the case that cities like Milwaukee should work to turn that trend around.

  • UW Looks At Lifting Nonresident Enrollment Cap

    The University of Wisconsin is looking to lift its nonresident enrollment cap, meaning more out-of-state and international students could be eligible to enroll. A policy expert looks at why UW is looking to make the changes, and discusses why he’s opposed to it.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Veronica Rueckert Host
  • Decoteau Irby Guest
  • Noel Radomski Guest
  • Chris Malina Producer