Facial recognition, State Supreme Court hears challenge to electoral maps

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Heard On Central Time
Wisconsin state Supreme Court
Wisconsin state Supreme Court. Bill Martens/WPR

The State Supreme Court heard arguments in a lawsuit challenging Wisconsin’s current electoral maps. We hear what stood out in the questions from the justices. We also find out how our faces are being used as a digital commodity.

Featured in this Show

  • The privacy risks of facial recognition technology

    Facial recognition technology can enhance security and provide greater efficiency, but it also comes with ethical and privacy concerns. We talk to a New York Times technology reporter who wrote a new book on the rise of the technology and the company at the center of it.

  • Redistricting case in front of the Wisconsin Supreme Court has been a long time coming

    Wisconsin’s legislative maps have made it to the state supreme court after a years-long battle over partisan gerrymandering. A reporter shares the latest and gives us a bird’s-eye view of redistricting in the state and how we got here.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Sarah Hopefl Technical Director
  • Lorin Cox Producer
  • Richelle Wilson Producer
  • Kashmir Hill Guest
  • Shawn Johnson Guest

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