Extreme heat, Emotional labor

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time

A global health professor shares environmental threats including extreme heat hitting Europe and parts of the United States. Then, we learn more about emotional labor with the help a communications professor.

Featured in this Show

  • What's driving extreme heat in Europe, US

    Record-breaking temperatures are hitting Europe, and highs in the triple digits are expected in parts of the U.S. this week. We’ll talk to an expert on extreme heat about the health risks, and why scientists say heat waves are getting more common.

  • Service with a smile: How mixing emotions and work affects our wellbeing

    Emotional labor is when employees perform emotions at their job to benefit business — think people working in the service industries or in public-facing jobs. We talk with a communication professor about the effect emotional labor has our on our lives.

Episode Credits

  • Dean Knetter Host
  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Sarah Hopefl Technical Director
  • Tyler Ditter Technical Director
  • Rachael Vasquez Producer
  • Clara Neupert Producer
  • Chris Uejio Guest
  • Sarah Riforgiate Guest