COVID-19 Update, Women Affected Most By Recession

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time
UW Health respiratory therapist Tina Schubert gets a COVID vaccine
On Monday, Dec. 14, 2020, UW Health respiratory therapist Tina Schubert, left, became the first of UW Health’s health care workers to receive the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine. Photo courtesy of UW Health.

COVID-19 vaccines are being shipped around the country, but it will still be months before most people can get a shot. A doctor joins us for an update on the pandemic and vaccine distribution. We also hear how this year’s recession is affecting working women.

Featured in this Show

  • Wisconsin's COVID-19 Holiday Outlook

    We take a look at COVID-19 numbers in the state post-Thanksgiving and talk about how to handle the upcoming holiday celebrations with safety in mind. We also take any questions you may have related to COVID-19.

  • Women Are Taking A Bigger Hit During The Pandemic

    A majority of the 1.1 million people who left their jobs in September were women, and recent data suggests some have opted out altogether. We talk with a family studies professor about why working women have been hit particularly hard by the pandemic.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Natalie Guyette Producer
  • Laura Pavin Producer
  • Amanda Simanek Guest
  • Malia Jones Guest
  • Margaret Kerr Guest
  • Sarah Hopefl Technical Director

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