Continued COVID concerns, Urban development trends

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time
Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine
A pharmacy technician loads a syringe with Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine at a mass vaccination site at the Portland Expo in Portland, Maine, on March 2, 2021. Robert F. Bukaty/AP File Photo

We check in on lingering coronavirus issues including a new wave and rising concerns over long COVID. Then, we talk to the author of a new book that looks at how cities are changing to try and attract new residents.

Featured in this Show

  • The latest with Covid and long Covid

    We talk to two researchers about the current increase in Covid cases, the fall Covid booster, and the latest on long Covid.

  • How smaller cities are changing to attract new residents

    Cities across the country are trying to market themselves to draw in residential and business growth. We talk to the author of a new book that looks at how municipalities are changing and starting to look less unique.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Trina La Susa Technical Director
  • Colleen Leahy Producer
  • Lorin Cox Producer
  • Ajay Sethi Guest
  • Dr. Marc Sala Guest
  • David A. Banks Guest

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