‘Bookmarks’ Podcast, Clergy Abuse, Planet Discoveries

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book festival bookmarks
Chloe Benjamin (left) shares an excerpt from her Bookmark, Philip Pullman’s The Golden Compass while To The Best Of Our Knowledge host Anne Strainchamps (right) listens. Photo: Shanna Wolf

We learn more about new reporting that says 170 Wisconsin Catholic clergy members have been credibly accused of sexual abuse. We also hear how newly discovered planets challenge old scientific theories. Plus, a new To The Best Of Our Knowledge podcast about how books have changed people’s lives.

Featured in this Show

  • New 'Bookmarks' Podcast Tells Life-Changing Stories That Came From Books

    We learn about a new podcast that showcases stories of how books have changed people’s lives.

  • New Report Looks At The Reach Of Clergy Sex Abuse In Wisconsin

    According to the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism, 170 Catholic priests and brothers in the state have been credibly accused of sexual abuse. We take a look at victims and how the abuse affected their lives. We also examine some of the actions the church has taken to help victims heal.

  • 'Gold Rush' Of Newly Discovered Planets Challenging Old Theories

    “Hot Jupiters” and “superpuffs” are just two types of newly discovered planets that are making astronomers rethink old theories of planet formation. We learn how new technology is leading to hundreds of fresh discoveries and what they’re revealing about our universe.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Tim Peterson Producer
  • Bill Martens Producer
  • Dean Knetter Producer
  • Anne Strainchamps Guest
  • Shannon Henry Kleiber Guest
  • Bram Sable-Smith Guest
  • Daniel Clery Guest

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