Book to movie adaptations, Lottery jackpots

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A moviegoer eats popcorn at Mission Tiki drive-in theater
A moviegoer eats popcorn at Mission Tiki drive-in theater in Montclair, Calif., Thursday, May 28, 2020. California moved to further relax its coronavirus restrictions and help the battered economy. Flea markets, swap meets and drive-in movie theaters can resume operations. Jae C. Hong/AP Photo

A physical therapist explains how the way we work out should change as we age. Then, we talk to an author who researches the lottery to better understand the large jackpots we’ve seen in recent drawings.

Featured in this Show

  • Controversial opinion: Some movies are better than the books they're based on

    Is the book really always better than the movie? Our next guest doesn’t think so. We hear about films that just might be better than the books they’re based on.

  • Have we reached peak lottery?

    Last week, a single ticket in Florida won the $1.58 billion Mega Millions jackpot. Earlier this summer, a winning Powerball ticket in California took home over $1 billion in prize money. Why are jackpots getting bigger and bigger? The author of a new book on lotteries explains how we got here.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Sarah Hopefl Technical Director
  • Tyler Ditter Technical Director
  • Colleen Leahy Producer
  • Richelle Wilson Producer
  • Olivia Rutigliano Guest
  • Jonathan D. Cohen Guest