Binge Watching Is OK, Hmong Education, Steve’s Reading Suggestions

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time

Rob Ferrett and Veronica Rueckert talk about binge-watching television shows, discuss a new bill that would require Wisconsin students to learn about the Hmong, and get some reading suggestions for a long holiday weekend.

Featured in this Show

  • It's Okay To Binge-Watch TV

    Most people have a couple days off for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday–which could mean “binge-watching” television. What used to be called being a couch potato is now called binge-watching, and our guest says it’s socially acceptable. She talks about the evolution of binge-watching and gives her recommendations.

  • New Bill Would Mandate Education About Hmong In Wisconsin Schools

    A new bill would require Wisconsin students to learn about Hmong history in schools. An advocate makes the case for why the bill is needed.

  • Book Recommendations from TTBOOK's Steve Paulson

    Steve Paulson, executive producer of “To the Best of Our Knowledge”, stops by to tell us about a few of the best books that have crossed his desk recently.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Veronica Rueckert Host
  • Amanda Magnus Producer
  • Chris Malina Producer
  • Willa Paskin Guest
  • Yer Yang Guest

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