6th Congressional District Primary, Farmers’ Markets, Teens And HIV/AIDS, On Congress

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time

A new project collects data on the effects farmers’ markets have on communities. We learn more from the lead researcher. Then we get our weekly update on congress. An expert on HIV/AIDS in Wisconsin discusses how much teens know–or don’t–about the disease. And we hear a report on the Republican primary race in the 6th congressional district.

Featured in this Show

  • How Farmer's Markets Impact Communities

    Farmers’ markets are important in the struggle to introduce more fresh fruits and vegetables to communities, but we don’t know much about how they actually impact communities. An expert behind a new study to collect data on farmer’s markets discusses this new project and some of the ways a farmer’s market plays a role in the community.

  • 1 in 3 Teens Don't Think Of HIV As A Sexually-Transmitted Disease

    A new survey from the MAC AIDS Fund shows 1 in 3 teens don’t associate HIV with sexual transmission, which has some advocates worrying that lessons learned from generations past about HIV/AIDS are lost on today’s youth. An expert from the AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin discusses the education initiatives on HIV/AIDS for young people in the United States and the knowledge teens have–or don’t–about the disease.

  • This Week In Congress – August 6, 2014

    Four states held Congressional primary elections Tuesday. USA Today’s Paul Singer gets us up to speed on the results, plus we look at the other headlines out of Capitol Hill this week.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Amanda Magnus Producer
  • Alfonso Morales PhD Guest
  • Bill Keeton Guest
  • Paul Singer Guest