Wisconsin Senators Applaud Nomination Of New VA Inspector General

Baldwin, Johnson Have Been Critical Of OIG's Investigation Of Tomah Medical Center

wispolitics.com(CC-BY-SA) / wistechcolleges(CC-BY-ND)

Wisconsin’s senators say they’re “pleased” that President Barack Obama has nominated a new head watchdog to oversee complaints against the Department of Veterans Affairs.

If confirmed by lawmakers, Washington, D.C. lawyer Michael Missal would become the first permanent VA inspector general since 2013.

Sens. Tammy Baldwin and Ron Johnson have long been calling on the president to appoint a VA inspector general. They’ve been critical of the way the office investigated deaths and the use of painkillers at the Tomah VA Hospital.

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Baldwin said a permanent IG is needed to “provide stable leadership and oversight.” Johnson said the OIG’s lack of leadership has affected veterans’ care and allowed retaliation against whistleblowers.

Both say they look forward to reviewing Missal’s qualifications.

According to his firm’s website, Missal has conducted internal investigations on financial institutions and lawmakers. He has also investigated whistleblower complaints for companies and nonprofits.

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