From Van Wanggaard’s state Legislative website:
Born Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., April 1952; married; 2 children, 2 grandchildren. Graduate Racine Lutheran H.S. 1970; Racine Police Academy; Wis. State Patrol Academy Accident Investigation; Northwestern U. Traffic Institute – Reconstruction; U.S. Coast Guard Natl. SAR School; attended John F. Kennedy U. Cal.; UW-Extension; UW-Parkside; Green Bay Tech. Coll.; Milw. Area Tech. Coll.; Fox Valley Tech. Coll. Full-time legislator. Retired traffic investigator, Racine Police Dept.; adjunct instructor, Gateway Tech. Coll. and Northwestern Traffic Institute; police liaison and security, Racine Unified School Dist. Member: Racine Zoological Soc. (bd. of dir.); National Rifle Assn. (life mbr.); Racine County Line Rifle Club (bd. of dir.); Racine Police Credit Union (fmr. pres., vice pres.); Former member: Racine Jaycees; Racine Police Explorers (adv.); Traffic Accident Consultants, Inc. (bd. of dir.); Assn. of SWAT Personnel; Racine Innovative Youth Service (bd.); Hostage Negotiation Team, RAPD; Racine Junior Deputy Sheriffs Assn.; Racine Alateen (adv.); Nat’l Assn. for Search and Rescue (psar. Chp.). Racine Police and Fire Commission 2003-13 (chp., vice chp., secy.). Racine County Bd. 2002-11.
Elected to Senate 2010; reelected 2014. Majority Caucus Vice Chairperson 2015.