Phoebe Smith

From Phoebe Smith:

Phoebe Smith is an adventurer, author, editor, presenter, speaker and filmmaker.

By day she is award-winning travel writer, broadcaster and presenter as well as Editor-at-Large of Wanderlust Travel Magazine and Sleep Storyteller-in-Residence at By night she’s an extreme sleeping outdoors adventurer who thrives on heading to the wildest locations she can find to sleep in the strangest places she can seek out.

She was the first person to sleep at all the extreme points of mainland Britain – including the centremost point – which she did solo, on consecutive nights in 2014. In December 2017 she gave up her Christmas to complete the self-devised Sleep the Three Peaks challenge – in which she overnighted on the summits of the highest mountains in Wales, England and Scotland – successfully raising over £8,000 and awareness for Centrepoint (the young people’s homeless charity) ending on Christmas morning on the summit of Ben Nevis.

She is the author of 8 books including the bestselling Extreme Sleeps: Adventures of a Wild Camper,Wilderness Weekends: Wild Adventures in Britain’s Rugged Corners and the first ever guidebook to Britain’s free-to-stay-in mountain shelters –Book of the Bothy.

When she stops for a second she posts details of new films, TV appearances, pictures, blogs, talks and events on this site and produces an occasional newsletter of the highlights, which you can sign up for here.

Phoebe has proudly been an Ordnance Survey #GetOutside Champion since 2016 in recognition of her work encouraging everyone to enjoy the great outdoors. She is also ambassador for the annual Big Canopy Campout (which helps raise funds for the World Land Trust), as well as Wild Night Out – the UK’s national night of adventure.

It’s her ongoing mission to prove that the UK offers adventure to rival anything you’ll find overseas and that you don’t need to be a beard-sporting, rufty-tufty, I’ll-eat-a-dead-sheep-carcass Bear Grylls type to have an adventure!

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