Matt Flynn

Matt Flynn is running as a Democrat for Governor of Wisconsin in 2018.

From candidate website

Matt Flynn is a U.S. Navy veteran, attorney, and former chair of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin. Flynn is the oldest in a large family and went to school on scholarships. He worked in the kitchen of the dining hall to help pay his way. Flynn’s father Gerard taught at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee for many years. After the children were grown, Flynn’s mother Geraldine worked in the U.S. Post Office.

Matt and Mary Flynn have been married for 41 years. Mary is originally from Monroe, Wisconsin and worked for many years as a speech pathologist in the Germantown Public Schools. After college, Flynn joined the Navy.

After he was honorably discharged, Matt attended law school at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and then began his legal career in Milwaukee.

Matt was elected Chair of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin. Under his leadership, the party retired its debt, elected a Democratic Governor, and Democrats took majorities in both houses of the State Legislature.

Matt has helped many Democratic candidates get elected.

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