Kelly Borchardt, Executive Director of Childcaring, Inc. has been in the early childhood field for over 25 years. With a bachelor’s degree in education from UW-SP, her experiences in child care range from being a child care center cook to a three-year-old teacher to an early childhood consultant. She began her career in child care resource and referral at Child Care Connection in the early 90’s as a Recruitment and Referral Specialist and has recently completed her 10th year as Executive Director at Childcaring. The organization has grown tremendously in the past ten years from a budget of just over $100,000 to a budget of 1.2 million. For the past five years, Childcaring has successfully implemented YoungStar, child care quality rating and improvement system, in partnership with the WI Department of Children and Families. Kelly truly believes that all children deserve high quality child care