Genevieve Davis

Genevieve Davis is the author of Secret Life, Secret Death, the true story of a young mother who fell into crime in Gangland Chicago and Northern Wisconsin in the 20’s and 30’s and her grandaughter – in the present – who hunts down the family secret. Davis spent 10 years researching the true story in archives, libraries, personal interviews, family letters, on-line data bases, historical societies and newspapers. Secret Life, Secret Death tells the story of Davis’s paternal grandmother.

Davis is also the author of Fanni’s Viennese Kitchen, a collection of authentic Austrian recipes for such yummy things as Apple Strudel, Plum Dumplings, Strawberry Cake, Rumbombe, Wiener Schnitzel and Sauerbraten. It is also a collection of stories of immigrant life in America, showing how Fanni met some of the challenges of the Great Depression with her cooking skills. The book tells the story of Davis’s maternal grandmother.

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