Eric Fredericks is an urban planner who specializes in making communities more enjoyable places to live, work, and play. Mr. Fredericks received a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Illinois in Urban and Regional Planning. While at the University, Mr. Fredericks studied abroad in Sydney, Australia. His Australian experiences became an inspiration for him to help make North American communities more walkable, livable, and beautiful places.
After graduation, Mr. Fredericks began working at the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission in Dayton, Ohio. There he initiated and managed the Walkable Communities program, and received training from several national experts. Mr. Fredericks went on to assist over 15 communities with workshops and projects. He also helped to establish several committees devoted to walkability projects. Following employment with MVRPC, Mr. Fredericks moved west to California and worked for Pacific Municipal Consultants as a contract planner for the City of Elk Grove, CA. There he worked on current planning projects and tree preservation programs.
Mr. Fredericks is an experienced public speaker on livability issues. He has also served as a television panelist, workshop facilitator, and a presenter on walkable neighborhoods at conferences. He has worked extensively with federal, state, regional, and local levels of government. Mr. Fredericks is the Executive Director of, a website that promotes pedestrian-oriented neighborhoods through various forms of media. He is also an avid photographer, and has compiled an online gallery of thousands of photo examples of walkable and not-so-walkable places. He currently is employed by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and works on livable communities, bicycling, and pedestrian programs for California.
Mr. Fredericks lives in beautiful, walkable downtown Sacramento where he walks to work daily. In his spare time, he enjoys disc golfing, hiking, cycling, web design, and traveling the world.